APD Institute Wiki


Photograph of an APD-013 instance flying.

Detainment Protocols: Any instance of APD-013 detected by the Amber Aerial Detection System (AADS) is to be intercepted by the nearest Military Team, preferably by a division from Military Team "Flight School," and cautiously redirected to a location with no human habitation and little natural wildlife if possible. Once a location has been found, the APD-013 instance is to be either shot down by the MT unit guiding the instance or by a land-bound missle. If neither is possible then the MT unit with the APD-013 instance is to continue moving the instance until it can be shot down or until it runs out of fuel.

In the rare case that the MT is unable to perform either of these tasks, APD-013 is to closely monitored and with the use of flares, redirected to a non-habitated area or above a large body of water, in which a large source of light is to be made in either area to cause the APD-013 to crash on target.

APD-013 Crashed
Crashed APD-013 instance.

Description: APD-013 is a series of continuously spawning planes, more specifically, Airbus-A380s that when observed from the inside, contain no living organisms yet is still capable of flying for hours on end until either running out of fuel or reaching a high density area. APD-013 instances appear to have no place of origin, and seemingly appear out of nowhere at random.

When going unnoticed or if manifested above a target, APD-013 instances have been shown to always attempt to crash itself into an area that would cause the most human casualities. The reason for this is currently being interested. It has been discovered, however, that APD-013 instances are capable of changing direction if forced to do so, either by another aerial object getting too close to it, APD-013 detecting projectiles being fired at it, or by large flashes of light/loud sounds.

Report-01: An APD-013 instance was detected via the Institute's radars, and Military Team "Flight School," division 124 was sent to land on APD-013 and makes their way inside the instance. A breach was made into APD-013 via the emergency door, and the following is a recorded log of the MT within the object.

Commander Bravo
(Mon) 5:12

124 to station. We've made entry into 013.

APD Station-41
(Mon) 5:12

Station to 124, good work. Please tell us your surroundings, any of you.

Agent Kala
(Mon) 5:13

Seems pretty standard. Looks like any plane, with a notable exception of people...

Commander Bravo
(Mon) 5:14

Heading to front of the plane.

Agent Sarah
(Mon) 5:14

Making my way to the back. Kala, stay in the middle.

Agent Kala
(Mon) 5:14

Roger that.

Agent Sarah
(Mon) 5:17

Currently in the back. Seems to be devoid of any people as well.

Commander Bravo
(Mon) 5:18

Pilot's room is locked. If one of you two could come help me here that would be great.

Agent Kala
(Mon) 5:18

On my way.

Agent Sarah
(Mon) 5:18

I'll start checking the luggage cabinets in the back.

Agent Kala
(Mon) 5:21

Got the door unlocked.

Commander Bravo
(Mon) 5:21

Thank you. Moving in.

Commander Bravo
(Mon) 5:22

124 to station, pilot's room has been checked. No people.

APD Station-41
(Mon) 5:23

Strange... we'll note that. I advise you all leave APD-013 now.

Commander Bravo
(Mon) 5:23


Agent Sarah
(Mon) 5:23

Guys? I found something in one of the cabinets.

Agent Kala
(Mon) 5:23

Seriously? What is it?

Agent Sarah
(Mon) 5:23

It's a luggage bag.

Commander Bravo
(Mon) 5:23

We'll come as soon as we can. Be cautious if you open it.

Agent Sarah
(Mon) 5:23


APD-013 would suddenly start moving downwards

Agent Sarah
(Mon) 5:24

Holy shit- what the hell is going on up there?!

Agent Kala
(Mon) 5:24

Agh- goddamnit!

Commander Bravo
(Mon) 5:24

This thing is going down!

Agent Sarah
(Mon) 5:24

Oh shit...

APD Station-41
(Mon) 5:24

124? What's going on up there?

Agent Sarah
(Mon) 5:24

013 is going down!

Commander Bravo
(Mon) 5:24

Attempting to stop the descent!

Commander Bravo is seen falling into the pilot's room and sitting himself in the pilot's seat, and would attempt to steer APD-013 back up and avoid the town it was falling towards.

Commander Bravo
(Mon) 5:24

Shit! This thing is stuck hard!

Agent Kala
(Mon) 5:25

Coming down!

Agent Kala would fall into the room and sit herself in the co-pilot's seat, and which would give enough force to lift the plane a bit up, but not enough for a smooth landing

Commander Bravo
(Mon) 5:24

Landing in the water! Brace for impact Agent Sarah!

APD-013 would land down on the water roughly, though would start floating.

APD Station-41
(Mon) 5:27

Are you all okay?

Commander Bravo
(Mon) 5:27

Yes! I think so...

Agent Sarah
(Mon) 5:27

Agh... the bag... it's gone...

APD Station-41
(Mon) 5:27

Sending over available units.


MT-124 would soon be recovered and the now neutralized APD-013 instance would be brought out of the water for study. MT-124 units all sustained minor injuries, mainly to their heads, although all recovered.

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Code used in Report-01 by CALoruhhhStuff. Rest of the page, exluding the site's image block is made JJ.
